Caffeinated Tech Blog

My space on the indieweb

Linux not booting…

For the first time in quite a few years, I had a boot problem in Linux. Turned on my laptop and it went to recovery mode. My heart skipped a beat my mind went straight to the worst – dead drive! So, I took a breath and went into recovery mode. Ran: journalctl -xb Went through the log and saw that it was just an issue with one partition on my second drive. Continue reading

MediaWiki and CryptRand.php

I had to install a local instance of MediaWiki this afternoon. After setting up a web server, downloading the latest version and completing the installation process all worked well except for the following two lines at the top of the browser: Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in …includesCryptRand.php on line 382 Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in …includesCryptRand.php on line 383 Change line 285 from: Continue reading